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Welcome to Playful Fitness Online!


I am so happy you decided to join us as part of the Playful Fitness inner circle! This is so much more than a workout program. This is your handbook for learning how to LOVE your body & love yourself!


An Important Note

Make sure you check out all the tabs at the top of this page for your meal guide, workouts & tracking page.

With all the demands of life, we forget how important self-care is. In order to make all of the tools here work for you, you must start understanding that you are worth it. Yup! You are worth it because you were born. You need to take care of YOU and LOVE you first, in order to give your very best and love others the way they deserve. You are a role model for your family, children, and friends so you must make time to treat yourself with love and take care of you. It is NOT selfish… Self care creates energy to give more, do more, be more and become the happiest, most vibrant version of you! Being tired, sad and unhappy is not serving you or your family. So take the time to care for you!

Remember not to shame your self if you miss a day! YOU HAVE NOT FAILED! Just notice how you feel and start again the next day!

Working out, showing up, self-love, journaling, reading, growing, sharing your highs and lows, positive self-talk, and being accountable are all part of building the life you desire.

These habits won’t happen overnight, but even just 2 degree shifts, done over time, will land you on a different continent from where you are today. The journey is always in process. The goal is to learn to fall in love with the rituals that make you happy, healthy & full of joy.

The journey is not always easy, but it will be easier than being unhappy, depressed and unhealthy. We need you, and we need your light… You are so beautiful and this journey is perfectly imperfect! I can’t wait to take it with you! So many incredible things are waiting to unfold for you.

Much love to you and welcome!



Additional Tips

P.S. – Just a reminder to share your Playful Fitness experiences on Instagram using the hashtag #PlayfulFitnessTribe, #JoyfullyFit and #BringingBackYay. Also, tag me @playfulfitness for a chance to be featured! Not only is it a great way for your fellow Playful Fitness friends to find, follow & encourage you on Instagram, it’s also a great way for others to see what you’re experiencing as well.


New Members

Make sure to take your pictures and your weight BEFORE you start the program! For our FOUNDING MEMBERS, picture & weight instructions are in your 12-Week Workout Plan bonus. SO check your email to get the directions and let me know if you don't have that. Your photos and weight are SUPER important to help you track your journey and celebrate your progress (both the big and the small wins!) SO do that NOW before you start your program. 

