California Benedict (Paleo, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free)

This recipe is another creation by one of my best friends Mariana Silliman.  We met in college and became fast friends. Nearly 10 years later we are still best friends and Playful Fitness exists largely because of her encouragement and belief in me. Her sense of humor makes any bad day into something funny, her smile changes the day. She's the best! It's a privilege to get to share her creativity and this recipe is DELICIOUS!

California Benedict 2.JPG
California Benedict 1.JPG



  • Slice the tomatoes, I used 4 slices
  • scoop the avocado and place on top of the tomatoes
  • Season with salt and pepper to taste
  • Poaching the egg: Boil water in a small pot on the stove, and add a cap full of white vinegar to the water. Crack the eggs into a bowl and place to the side. Once the water is boiling, slowly pour the eggs into the water and reduce the heat to medium. Watch the eggs closely, hold the pot handle and move on and off the heat.
  • After 2-3 minutes, the eggs should look like soft pillows, and will have floated to the top of the water- they should be opaque in white color (if they are still translucent, keep cooking!)
  • Use a spoon to scoop the eggs out of the water, and gently place on top of the avocado! Poached eggs are very sensitive, so be careful when scooping!
  • Add salt and pepper to taste
  • You can also drizzle a little Balsamic Vinaigrette over the top for a gourmet flavor